Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Study Programme
Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Degree Programme
First cycle degree programme

Level of qualification
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, in Telecommunication and Information Engineering

Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduated engineers can be employed in the country and abroad in companies and institutions that develop and implement ICTs: telecommunication and mobile operators, software companies, companies that produce telecommunication equipment, research laboratories and top academic institutions.

Objectives of the study program
The aim of the study program is to profile a modern electrical engineer in the field of telecommunications and information engineering, who will possess the most modern knowledge and skills for a successful professional career in the ICT sector of the Republic of Macedonia, which will contribute to the economic development of the country. The study program should produce top professionals who will be able to quickly get involved in the work process, will have an innovative mentality, self-confidence and ability to take a leadership role in technology, business and society. Also, the study program should enable the student to acquire:
• Knowledge and understanding of the scientific field of electrical engineering
• Knowledge and understanding of the scientific field of telecommunication engineering
• Skills for planning, designing, constructing and managing systems that send, process and store information
• Theoretical and practical knowledge of communication technologies
• Theoretical and practical knowledge of information technologies
• Ability for lifelong learning and learning new technologies
• Ability to conduct scientific research
• Excellent basis for continuing education in master studies
• Ability for individual engagement and independent work, as well as for teamwork and cooperation with colleagues with different profiles
• Ability to evaluate, present and understand ideas and concepts from relevant data in the field of telecommunications and information engineering
• Communication skills and self-confidence

Read more about the study programme here